Artificial Intelligence



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·       AI refers to the simulation of Human Intelligence by machines.

o   Ability to solve problems

o   Ability to act rationally

o   Ability to act like humans

·       AI includes the central principles of

o   Reasoning & Knowledge

o   Planning & Learning

o   Perception & Communication

·       AI is the branch of science that is concerned with the automation of intelligent behaviour.


AI History

·       The Artificial Intelligence started its journey from 1943 onwards and marks the following events

o   1943 (Invention of “Artificial Neurons” by McCullough and Pitts)

o   1950 (Invention of “Computing machinery and Intelligence” by Alan Turing’s)

o   1951 (Use of AI in Games)

o   1956 (Birth of AI in Dartmouth conference)

o   1965 (Completion of Algorithm by Robinson’s)

o   1969 (Development of Knowledge system)

o   1980 (Booming of Expert system Industry)

o   1989 (Expert system industry busts “AI winter”)

o   1993 to present (Rapid use of AI in different technologies)


AI Applications

·       Expert Systems

·       Natural Language Processing

·       Speech Recognition

·       Computer Vision

·       Robotics

·       Automatic Programming

·       Telecommunication

·       Gaming

·       Banking

·       Satellite Control


AI Future

·       Positive AI

            May be the day is not so far when we will just sit back in our cozy little beds and just command our personal Robots to entirely do our works.

·       Negative AI

It can be end in other way too, any day there will be a knock at our door and as we open it, we will see a large number of Robots marching into our house and destroying everything we own.


Benefits of AI

·       More powerful and useful

·       Improved Interfaces

·       Solving new problems

·       Handling of information and relive information overload

·       Conversion of information into knowledge


Limitations of AI

·       Expensive Cost

·       Difficulty in software development

·       Less number of experienced programmers

·       Less number of practical products reached in the market..


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