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·       It is derived from two Greek words

o   Anthropos (Man/Human being)

o   Logos (Study)

·       It is the scientific study which involves

o   Study of human origin

o   Study to find that how we have changed over the years

o   Study to find out that we are related to each other from our culture and with other culture also


Subdivision of Anthropology

·       Physical Anthropology

o   Also known as Biological anthropology

o   A scientific discipline concerned with the

§  Biological aspects of human being

§  Behavioral aspects of human being

§  Related non-human primates and their extinct hominin ancestors

o   Focused on the evolution of human being not on the culture

·       Archaeology

o   It is the study of the ancient and recent human past through material remains

o   It offers a unique perspective on human history and culture

·       Cultural Anthropology

o   It is focused on the cultural variation among humans

o   Generally the cultural anthropologist study that

§  How people make their living?

§  How people interact with each other?

§  What beliefs people holds?

§  What institutions organize people in the society?

·       Linguistic Anthropology

o   It is focused to understand the human languages and their change over a period of time

§  Written & non-written languages

§  Spoken languages

§  Non-verbal languages

o   This field explores more about the

§  How language shapes the communication?

§  How language forms the social identity?

§  How language organize large scale cultural beliefs & ideologies?

§  How language develops a common cultural representation?


Benefits of Anthropology

·       Economic benefits

·       Cross disciplinary subject

·       Curiosity

·       Cultural connections



Video Description

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