What is UNIX?



Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       It is an operating system program that controls all other parts of a computer system (hardware & software).

·       It allocates the resources of a computer and also schedules its tasks.

·       It was developed in 1969 by AT & Ts Bell Labs.

Features of UNIX

·       It is a multi-user OS

·       It is also a multi-tasking OS

·       It is a machine independent OS

·       Not specific to just one type of computer hardware

·       It is a software development environment.

·       It is a simple & portable OS

·       It has hierarchical file system.


Basic Commands of UNIX

·       mkdir (to create a directory)

·       cd (to change the directory)

·       cp (to copy the file1 in the current working directory)

·       mv (to move a file from one place to another)

·       rm (to delete or remove the file)

·       cat (to display the content of a file on the screen)

·       head (to write the first ten lines of a file to the screen)

·       tail (to show the bottom N lines of one or more text files)

·       more (to show the contents of one or more files in an interactive manner)

·       grep (to show lines in one or more text files that match a given regular expression)


Video Description

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