Purchasing of drugs


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Purchasing of drugs can be defined as the procuring of medicines & other pharmaceutical supplies by making payment in terms of money or its equivalent. The basic purpose of drug purchasing is to ensure the flow of drugs in 

  • Right Quality (quality available according to the standards)
  • Right Quantity (quantity ordered according to the EOQ)
  • Right Price (purchasing at reasonable price)
  • Right Source (supplier should be dependable & capable as per requirement)
  • Right Time (department should have lead time information)
Lead time = Time period between placing the order and receiving the order.

Procedure of Purchasing

The procedure of purchasing involves the Six simple steps as follows

1) Determination of Requirement

This step involves the calculation of items that are required to be purchased for the smooth functioning of the unit operations and provides information on
  • Type of material to be purchased
  • Time of requirement
  • Quantity to be purchased
2) Source of Supply

This step defines the type of source from which the unit is going to purchase the material and generally the procurement is done by the following resources
  • Medical Store
  • Wholesaler
  • Manufacturers
  • Local Market
  • By Inviting Tenders
3) Purchase Order

It is the information written by the chief pharmacist which helps the supplier to understand the
  • Description of items
  • Specification of items
  • Packaging of items
  • Quantity needed of items etc.
4) Receipt of Acknowledgement 

This is the written acceptance of supplier in which he acknowledged that
  •  He receives the purchase order and 
  • Able to supply the written items in the mean time
5) Receipt of Drugs

This is the written acceptance of purchasing party in which he confirms that the items given by supplier are
  • In right quantity
  • Properly packed
  • Not expired
  • Have a batch number
6) Distribution of Drugs

In last the received quantity of drugs distributed to the different departments of a hospital as per their need and the distributed quantity of drugs noted down in a stock register which further helps us to began our first step of purchasing i.e. "Determination of Requirement". 

Role of Purchasing Officer in Drug Purchasing

The role of purchasing officer vary from small to large scale hospitals but generally the officer performs the following duties
  • Issuing purchase orders
  • Maintenance of purchase records
  • Follow up on the orders which are delayed
  • Obtaining quotations from specified sources
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