Public hospital & services offered




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A government or public hospital is a healthcare facility that is funded & operated solely by the government with the help of the money collected from taxpayers.


A public hospital has the following functions:

1.  It provides effective, affordable health care services (curative including specialist services, preventive and promotive) for a defined population, with their full participation and in co-operation with agencies in the district that have similar concern. It covers both urban population (district head quarter town) and the rural population in the district.

2. Function as a secondary level referral center for the public health institutions below the district level such as Sub-divisional Hospitals, Community Health Centers, Primary Health Centers and Sub-centers.

3.  To provide wide ranging technical and administrative support and education and training for primary health care.


Services offered

Services that a Public Hospital is expected to provide can be grouped as Essential (Minimum Assured Services) and Desirable (which we should aspire to achieve).

The services include OPD, indoor and Emergency Services.



General Specialties

General Specialties

General Medicine

General Surgery

Obstetrics & Genecology Services

Family Planning services like Counseling, Tubectomy (Both Laparoscopic and Minilap), NSV, IUCD, OCPs, Condoms, ECPs, Follow up services

Pediatrics including Neonatology and Immunization Emergency (Accident & other emergency)

Critical care/Intensive Care (ICU) Anesthesia


Dermatology and Venerology (Skin & VD) Radiotherapy


De-addiction center

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation services Tobacco Cessation Services

Dialysis Services





Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) Orthopedics

Radiology including Imaging Psychiatry

Geriatric Services (10 bedded ward) Health promotion and Counseling Services Dental care

 District Public Health Unit

DOT centre


Integrated Counseling and Testing Centre; STI Clinic; ART


Blood Bank

Disability Certification Services1

Services under Other National Health Programmes

Diagnostic and other Para clinical services regarding Laboratory services including Pathology and Microbiology Designated Microscopy centre

X-Ray, Sonography



Blood Bank and Transfusion Services Physiotherapy

Dental Technology (Dental Hygiene) Drugs and Pharmacy

Ancillary and support services

Following ancillary services shall be ensured:

Post Partum Unit3 with following services in an integrated


t  Post Natal Services

t  All Family Planning services i.e Counseling, Tubectomy (Both Laparoscopic and Minilap), NSV, IUCD, OCPs, Condoms, ECPs, Follow up services

t  Safe Abortion Services

t  Immunization

Super Specialties

(May be provided depending upon the availability of manpower in State/UT)


Cardio-thoracic and Vascular Surgery Gastro-enterology

Surgical Gastro-enterology Plastic Surgery Electrophysiology Nephrology

Urology Neurology Neurosurgery Oncology

Endocrinology/Metabolism Medical oncology

Surgical oncology Radiation oncology Nuclear medicine Specialist

Medico-legal/post mortem2

Ambulance services Dietary services Laundry services Security services

Waste management including Biomedical Waste Ware housing/central store

Maintenance and repair

Electric Supply (power generation and stabilization) Water supply (plumbing)

Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning

Transport Communication Medical Social Work Nursing Services

CSSD - Sterilization and Disinfection Horticulture (Landscaping) Refrigeration

Hospital Infection Control

Referral Services

Diagnostic and other Para clinical services regarding

Blood Bank with all allied facilities


VEP (visual evoked potential) Muscle Biopsy

Angiography Echocardiography Occupational therapy




Administrative services

(i)    Finance4

(ii)   Medical records (Provision should be made for computerized medical records with anti-virus facilities whereas alternate records should also be maintained)

(iii)   Procurement

(iv)   Personnel

(v)   Housekeeping and Sanitation

(vi)   Education and training

(vii)   Inventory Management

(viii)   Hospital Information System

(ix)    Grievances redressal Services

Services under various National Health and Family Welfare



Epidemic Control and Disaster Preparedness

Integrated Disease surveillance, epidemic investigation and emergency response

Ancillary and support services

Counseling services for domestic violence, gender violence, adolescents, etc. Gender and socially sensitive service delivery be assured.


24 ´ 7 ambulance with advance life support systems Lift and vertical transport

 Video description

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Saqlain Gulzar said…
Sir Good work keep it up
May Almighty Allah bless you with his love 🥰

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