Privatization of healthcare services or Modern concept of Hospitals



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The term privatization of healthcare system can be easily defined as the transfer of decision making, financing, authority or delivery of healthcare services from a public (government) to a private party. The transfer can be done by directly contracting out the services to the private party or indirectly in the form of PPP (Public Private Partnership), the best examples of PPP mode of healthcare services in Uttarakhand are

1)     Tehri Cluster in 2018

2)     Ramnagar Cluster in 2019

3)     Pauri Cluster in 2020


The privatization approach is based on the concept of better delivery of healthcare services in a more effective and efficient manner than the public sector and under the title “increasing efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness” the privatization can be seen as the most powerful tool.

Public providers

·        Ministry of health

·        National boards

·        Regional government

·        Local government

·        Public corporations etc.

Private providers

·        Trust organization

·        NGOs

·        Corporate firms

·        Private nursing home etc.


Qualities of Privatization

·        Create opportunities for profit healthcare service providers.

·        Increase the access of peoples to the healthcare services.

·      Delivers good quality of healthcare services at same cost as in government mode.

·        Increase the scope of healthcare services in comparison to government mode.

·        Provide committed and punctual healthcare staff.


Reasons for Privatization

·        Poorly managed public services.

·        Inaccessibility of patient to the healthcare services in public mode.

·        Unavailability of sufficient   staff in public mode.

·        To increase competitiveness.

·        For better quality, effectiveness and efficiency of providers.


Challenges for Privatization

·        Challenges to equity

·        Challenges to transparency

·        To develop a parallel healthcare system

·        To develop a trust factor in public

·        Difficulty to operate in sharing mode with public sector staff.


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