MS-Excel 2000

MS–Excel 2000

Description also available in video format (attached below), use your desktop for better experience.


·       It is a computer program that is used to create electronic spreadsheet, organize data, create chart and perform calculations.

·       It is convenient because it allows users to create large spreadsheets and better storage of information.

·       It is operated same as other Microsoft programs and has many of the same functions and shortcuts of other MS programs.


Overview of Excel

·       Consists of workbooks and within each workbook, there is an infinite number of worksheets.

·       Each worksheet contains Columns & Rows.

·       Point where column & row intersect is called a cell.

·       The tab at the bottom of the screen is called the worksheets.


Office Button of Excel

·       The office button of Excel contains

o   New = To open a new workbook (CTRL+N)

o   Open = To open existing document (CTRL+O)

o   Save = To save a document (CTRL+S)

o   Save As = To save copy document (F12)

o   Print = To print a document (CTRL+P)

o   Prepare = To prepare document for distribution.

o   Send = To send a copy of document to other people.

o   Publish = To distribute the document to other people.

o   Closed = To close a document (CTRL+W).


Ribbons of EXCEL

·       TABS = There are 7 tabs across the top of the window.

·       Groups = Sets of related commands, displayed on tabs.

·       Commands = A button, menu or a box where you enter an information


Rearranging of Worksheets in Excel

·       Right click on the selected sheet tabs and then click insert.

·       On the general tab, click worksheet, and then click Ok.

·       To change the order of worksheet, click the tab of the sheet that you want to move.

·       Then drag it to the location that you want.

·       You can also move the sheet by click and hold the sheet tab at the bottom of the screen with the mouse and drag it to its new position.


Text formatting in Excel

·       To format text in Bold, Italic or underline

o   Left click a cell to select it.

o   Click the Bold, Italic or Underline command.

·       To change the font style

o   Select the cell or cells that you want to format.

o   Left click the drop-down arrow next to the font style box on the Home tab

o   Select a font style from the list.

·       To change the font size

o   Select the cell or cells that you want to format.

o   Left click the drop-down arrow next to the font size box on the Home tab

o   Select a font size from the list.

·       To add a border

o   Select the cell or cells that you want to format.

o   Click the drop down arrow next to the border command on the Home tab.

o   A menu will appear with the border options.

·       To change the text colour

o   Select the cell or cells that you want to format.

o   Left click the drop-down arrow next to the text color command, A color palette will appear.

o   Select a color from the palette.

·       To add a fill colour

o   Select the cell or cells that you want to format.

o   Click the fill command and a color palette will appear.

o   Select the color from the palette.


Chart preparation in Excel

·       To  prepare a chart in MS-Excel

o   Select the data for the chart.

o   Select Insert and choose the Charts tab to preview the chart.

o   Select a chart to represent your data.

o   And click on Ok.

·       The features of the Excel charts are

o   Chart title

o   Plot area

o   Legend

o   Axis titles

o   Axis labels.

o   Tick marks

o   Gridlines

·       In Excel charts graphic can also be inserted such as

o   Shapes gallery

o   Smart Art

o   Text Bo

o   Word Art

o   Clip Art


Functions of MS-Excel

Excel is vast in itself and have a lot of functions, for the ease of understanding a video description is attached below through which you will experience the whole excel.

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