Modern hospital and changing patient needs (Care in hospital)



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Modern Hospital

Hospital is a place where a person visits for the treatment of any medical emergency. In developed countries there is a existence of modern hospitals but in developing countries like Pakistan Sri lanka, India etc. are often lack the availability of modern hospital and medical requirements.

On the other hand the modern technologies results in the expansion of treatment possibilities  and has made the medical industry flourish and has further lead to the upcoming development of modern hospital.

 What makes a hospital modern?

1)     Specialized medical & healthcare facilities

·        Availability of specialization for a certain type of illness.

·        In medical institutes the specialized services are like a department of the hospital

·        For an example, department of Urology in AIIMS.

2)     Ownership & Control

·        In most countries the hospital are operated by the government.

·        Other forms of ownership of a modern hospital can be

o Corporate entities

o Medical Institute

o NGOs

o Trust entities

3)     ALOS (Average Length of Stay)

·        In modern hospitals the ALOS is high in chronic cases because of the availability of chronic care service.

·        Average occupancy rate (%of beds available every month) always fall near 100% in modern hospitals.

·        Majorly all modern hospitals have a maximum capacity of 800beds.

4)     Regional Planning

·        It includes the integration of hospital networks in healthcare to improve the patient care.

·        For an example the organization of hospitals was done on the basis of primary, secondary and tertiary.

·        It improves the delivery of patient care by a proper channel referral procedure.


Changing Patient Needs

Patient means “One who suffers”, ill or injured and in the need of treatment by a doctor, nurse or any other healthcare provider and if your hospital is in the search for new patients, you can’t rely on old tactics because in this modern era a lot of aspects, expectations and needs of a patient have been changed. The changing needs of a patient are


1)     Ambulatory Care

·        A personal healthcare, treatment or consultation for a patient where he/she stay at the hospital using advanced technology.

·        The ambulatory healthcare setting includes

                                                    i.     Hospital Emergency

                                                   ii.     Cardiac Rehabilitation centre

                                                  iii.     Medical Clinics etc.

2)     Acute Care

·        A healthcare facility that offers the treatment of short term illness.

·        The acute care includes the

                                                    i.     Medical In patients services

                                                   ii.     Medical Out patients services

                                                  iii.     Diagnostic services

3)     Critical Care

·        A healthcare which provide treatment to the critically ill patients and those who are at high risk or have potentially life threatening  health problems.

·        The critical care includes the

                                                    i.     ICU

                                                   ii.     NICU

                                                  iii.     PICU

                                                  iv.     CCU

4)     Home Health Care

·        It is a healthcare or supportive care that is provided in the patients home by a registered nurse, doctor or healthcare providers.

·        The home healthcare includes the

                                                    i.     Dialysis at home

                                                   ii.     Doctor visit at home

                                                  iii.     Wound dressing

                                                  iv.     Intravenous therapy etc.


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