Measurements in epidemiology


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In the field of epidemiology there is a proper investigation of every health related event by the help of some measurements such as Disability, Natality, Risk factors etc., but majorly the measurement of two aspects plays an important role to calculate out the effect of any health related event or disease and that aspects are

  • Measurement of Mortality
  • Measurement of Morbidity

1) Measurements of Mortality

  • Crude death rate
It can be defined as the number of deaths from all causes per 1000 estimated mid year population in one year, in a given place
=    No. of deaths during one year x 1000
Mid year population

  • Specific death rate
It can be defined as an analysis that helps to calculate the death rate in terms of a specific disease, age group, sex etc.

=    No. of deaths due to malaria during one year x 1000
Mid year population

  • Proportional mortality rate/ratio
It helps to know that what proportion of total deaths are due to a specific cause or in a specific age group.
=    No. of deaths due to malaria during one year x 100
Total no. of deaths during the same period

  • Case fatality rate
It helps to know that how much number of cases dies from a specific disease? in other other words how much the disease is fatal in nature?
=    No. of deaths due to malaria during one year x 100
Total no. of malaria cases during the same period

  • Survival rate
It helps to know that how much number of cases survive from a specific disease over a specific period of time.
=    No. of Cancer patients alive at the end of 5 year x 100
Total no. of Cancer patients

  • Standardized mortality ratio
SMR =    Observed deaths x 100
      Expected deaths

2) Measurements of Morbidity

Morbidity can be easily defined as the "any departure from a state of physiological well-being" means sickness, illness, disability etc. It can be measured in terms of two aspects and that are
  • Incidence
It can be defined as the number of new cases of a particular disease in a defined population during a specific period of time.
=    No. of new cases of  malaria during one year x 1000
Total population at risk during the same period

  • Prevalence
It refers to the all current cases (old + new) existing at  given period of time in a given population.

=    No. of old and new cases of malaria during one year x 1000
Total population at risk during the same period

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