Invasive & Non-Invasive diagnostics



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The diagnostic test is a pre assessment testing of a patient that helps to determine the nature, stage, progress level and type of infection/disease in the human body. After a proper diagnosis the treating doctor decides the patient care plan to treat or cure the disease. These diagnostic tests classified into two major categories

1)    Invasive diagnostics

·       It is a type of medical procedure that is carried out by trained medical workers in which they use instrument that cut the skin or that are inserted into a body opening

·       The examples of invasive diagnostics are

                                                    i.     Biopsy

                                                  ii.     Excision

                                                iii.     Cryotherapy

                                               iv.     Endoscopy etc.

2)    Non-Invasive diagnostics

·       It is also a type of medical procedure that do not required any type of breaking the skin or entering in body.

·       There are many numbers of non-invasive procedures which are starting from a simple observation to specialized forms of surgery.

·       The examples of non-invasive diagnostics are

                                                    i.     Radio surgery

                                                  ii.     Deep palpation

                                                iii.     X-rays

                                                iv.     B.P measurement

                                                  v.     Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy etc.

Minimum Lab testing facilities in a hospital

a)  Haematology& Clinical Pathology

ü Haemoglobin estimation (Hb%)

ü Total Leukocytes count

ü Differential Leucocytes count

ü Absolute Eosinophil count

ü Reticulocyte count

ü Total RBC count

ü E. S. R.

ü Coagulation Test (BT, CT, APTT collectively can be put under this)

ü Sickle cell anaemia

ü Thalassemia (Hb Electrophoresys)

ü Bleeding time

ü Clotting time

ü Prothrombin time

ü Peripheral Blood Smear

ü Malaria/Filaria Parasite

ü Platelet count

ü Packed Cell volume

ü Blood grouping

ü Rh typing

ü Blood Cross matching


ü Urine RE (Albumin, Sugar, Deposits, bile salts, bile pigments, acetone, specific gravity, Reaction (pH))

ü Stool for Ovacyst (Ph)

ü Occult blood


b)  Cytology

ü Semen Analysis

ü CSF Analysis ( Cell count )

ü Aspirated Fluid (Cell count) cytology

ü Pap Smear & Cytology


ü Sputum Analysis

ü Bone Marrow Cytology

c)   Microbiology

ü KOH study for fungus

ü Smear for AFB

ü KLB (Diphtheria) C/S

ü Culture and Sensitivity of sputum, pus, urine & Stool

ü Culture and sensitivity for blood,

ü Stool culture for Vibrio Cholera and other bacterial enteropathogene

ü Grams Stain for Throat swab, sputum etc.

d)  Biochemistry

ü Blood Sugar

ü Glucose Tolerance Test

ü Glycosylated Hemoglobin

ü Blood urea, blood cholesterol

ü Serum bilirubin

ü Liver function tests (Aspartate aminotransferase (AST),Alanine aminotransferase (ALT),Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Total bilirubin and direct bilirubin, Albumin and total protein)

ü Kidney function tests (Serum urea. Creatinine)

ü Lipid Profile (Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides)

ü Blood uric acid

ü Serum calcium

ü Serum Phosphorous

ü Serum Magnesium

ü CSF for protein, sugar

ü Blood gas analysis

ü Thyroid T3 T4 TSH


ü Chloride

ü Sodium

ü Potassium

ü Bi Carbonate

ü Microalbumin

ü FT3, FT4

ü Cortisol, Serum

ü Estradiol (E2), Serum


ü Testosterone

ü Progesterone

ü GH

ü FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone

ü LH: Luteinising Hormone

ü DHEA: Dehydroepiandrosterone

ü Estriol Unconjugated / Free (µE3)

ü Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Anti-HBc), IgM

ü HCG, Beta

ü Torch Panel Avidity, IgG *Toxoplasma *Rubella *Cytomegalovirus

ü Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Avidity, IgG

ü Toxoplasma Avidity, IgG

ü Rubella (German Measles) Avidity, IgG

ü Coombs Test, Indirect

ü Toxoplasma Antibody, IgM

ü Rubella (German Measles) Antibody, IgM

ü Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1+2, IgG, Serum

e)   Serology

ü RPR Card test for syphillis

ü Leptospirosis, Brucellosis

ü WIDAL test

ü Elisa test for HIV, HBsAg, HCV

ü RA factor, ANF

f)   Histopathology

ü All types of specimens, Biopsy


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