Hospitality in hospitals



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In the pool of oxford dictionary the word “Hospitality” means friendly and generous behavior towards guests and hospitality have four characteristics

1)     Given by the host to a guest who is away from home.

2)     It is interactive & involving in nature.

3)     It is a mixture of tangible & intangible factors.

4)     The host provides psychological &  physiological comfort.

If we are going to analyze the hospital & hospitality then it may be seen to be two diverse industries but also have a common link i.e. Customer satisfaction and it is a very important part of a growing hospital because

·       Some patients experience joyful like on a baby birth and some experience difficulty like on having a serious illness but no matter what brings you in a hospital, every step of the hospital staff is to make the patient satisfy & comfortable for a rapid growth.

·       For all the human beings it’s not easy to being away from home, that’s why the hospital have to give them the best medical care so patient can get home soon and best hospitality service so patient never feels away from home during the treatment.

·       To increase the rapid growth regular monitoring & analysis of patient satisfaction is must and it will result in the quantification of hospital performance.


Important Aspects for a Patient

·       Atmosphere (Cleanliness & Comfort)

·       Amenities (Food service, Private rooms etc.)

·       Treatment (Technology & Pain management)

·       Safety (Personal safety & Privacy)

·       Nursing (Responsiveness & Caring)

·       Consultant (Listening & Knowledge)

·       Admission & Discharge (Quick & Affordable)


Hospitality Services offered to a Patient

General services

·       Phone calls

·       Guests welcome

·       Meals

·       Mail

·       Television

·       Notary of documents

·       Birthday celebrations

International services

·       Travel and Stay

·       Giving Interpreters

·       Visa assistance

·       Medical Insurance

·       Travelling Insurance

·       Local tour operators & guides

Benefits of Patient Satisfaction

·       Profitability & Productivity

·       Increase Staff morale & reduce staff turnover

·       Patient retention & referrals

·       Improved compliance & collection

·       Efficiency & Effectiveness


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