Health Education


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·       A combination of learning experience that is designed to help individuals, groups & communities to improve their health by improving their knowledge and attitude towards various health issues.

·       It can also be defined as a process which aims to encourage peoples to know that how to stay healthy.

·       It is also used interchangeably with IEC & Behavior change communication.


Aims & Objectives

·       To encourage peoples to adopt and sustain a life style that promotes health & health practices.

·       To aware & promote the peoples for the use of available health services in their areas.

·       To create interest, give knowledge, enhance skills and change attitude in making rationale decision s to solve their own problems.

·       To achieve the health development by the help of individuals & community involvement at every step from the identifying problems to solving them.



·       Regulatory Approach

o   It is a direct or indirect involvement of the government to alter the human behaviour.

o   A lot of example exist such as

§  Restriction of child marriage.

§  Compulsion of seat belt while driving.

§  Wearing rules of helmet on bike.

·       Service Approach

o   The aim of this approach is to provide the needed health services to the peoples at their door steps.

o   The best example is that the government is providing free toilet seats in rural areas to promote sanitation.

·       Health Education Approach

o   This approach focuses to educate the peoples through learning experiences.

o   It informs, educates and encouraged peoples to make their own choice for healthy life.

o   Current examples of health education are

§  Awareness on drug addiction.

§  Use of safe water.

§  Fertility control.

·       Primary Healthcare Approach

o   A latest approach which is started from the active participation and involvement of peoples in the planning & delivery of health services.

o   The best example of this approach is the community participation in intersectoral coordination.


Models of Health Education

·       Medical Model

o   This model is concerned with the disease or illness.

o   This primary focus of this model is to recognize the disease.

o   After recognition of the disease it focuses on the treatment.

o   It also concern with the technology advancement to facilitate the process. 

·       Motivation Model

o   A person must have to motivate to adopt any idea of health education.

o   To get the motivation that person needs to pass these three stages

§  Awareness (the targeted person is aware or not)

§  Motivation (Interest, evaluation and decision making)

§  Action (Idea is acceptable or not)

·       Social Intervention model

o   This model of health education is to bring a social change means a change in the society behavior towards health.

o   It can be often found that people will not readily accept any new idea until it has been approved by the group to which they belongs.

o   The examples of this model are

§  Adoption of small family norms.

§  Raising the age of marriage.

§  Elimination of dowry.


Contents of Health Education

·       Environmental Hygiene

o   To educate the people about the importance of environmental health and its effects on their health.

o   To secure, adopt, use and maintain the environmental health facilities.

·       Family Healthcare

o   To improve and strengthen the quality of life of the family as a unit.

o   To prepare the families for the survival in rapid and complex social changes.

·       Control of Diseases

o   To encourage the peoples to participate in the

§  Disease control,

§  Health protection and

§  Health promotion programmes.

·       Mental Health

o   The aim of health education is to keep people healthy in their mental aspects.

o   To prevent mental breakdown of peoples.

·       Prevention of Accidents

o   The main aim of this content is to provide a safe environment and by creating awareness on

§  Road

§  Home

§  Place of work.

·       Use of Health Service

o   To inform the public about the available health services in their community and how to use them.

o   To ensure that the available health services should not be misused or abused.


Principles of Health Education

·       Community Involvement

·       Promotion of self esteem

·       Voluntarism

·       Facilitation of informed choice

·       Respect to the culture norms

·       Good human relations.

·       Evaluation needs

·       Accuracy of information

·       Appropriate method used


Methods of Health Education

·       Individual Approach

o   Personal Contact

o   Home Visit

o   Personal Letters

·       Group Approach

o   Lectures

o   Demonstration

o   Group Discussion

o   Workshops

o   Role Play

o   Seminars

·       Mass Approach

o   Television

o   Radio

o   Newspaper

o   Direct Mailing

o   Posters

o   Internet

o   Films


Steps of Planning and Management of Health Education

·       Engaging and understanding the priority of population.

·       Assessing the needs and assets of the priority population.

·       Developing program goals and objectives.

·       Planning and intervention.

·       Implementing the intervention.

·       Evaluating the importance of intervention.


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