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The term Epidemiology is derived from three Greek words

  • Epi (Among)
  • Demos (People)
  • Logos (Study)
Hence, It can be defined as the study of distribution and determinants of health related events in a specific number of peoples and to apply the study outcomes for controlling the health related problems.

Concept of Epidemiology

The concept of epidemiology involves three basic components

1) Disease frequency

It can be defined as the calculation of frequency (repetition) of disease, disability or death in a specific number of population of a given geographical area. Then the calculated numbers expressed in terms of rates & ratios for example; Death rate, Incidence rate etc.

These rates helps us to understand and compare the frequency of disease in different groups of the same population in relation to the causal factors.

2)  Distribution of disease

In this component of epidemiology the epidemiologist observe
  • Increase or decrease of disease in a particular period of time.
  • Higher number of cases in which group than others.
  • Disease occurrence more often in Man, Woman or Children's.
  • Behavior change in affected persons. 
3) Determinants of disease

These are the variables, causes and risk factors that influence the frequency of disease.
  • Agents
  • Exposure to source
  • Environment

Aims of Epidemiology
  • To define the magnitude of heath & disease related problems in human population.
  • To mark the risk factors in pathogenesis (way of development) of disease.
  • To make the data available for planning, implementation and evaluation of various health programs.
  • To promote health and wellness.

Applications of Epidemiology
  • To understand the rising and falling pattern of a disease in a population.
  • Diagnosis of a community.
  • Planning and evaluation of any Health Programme.
  • To calculate the risk and chances of disease occurrence in a population.

Terminologies used in Epidemiology
  • Infection (Entry of infectious agent in the body)
  • Contamination (Presence of infectious agent on the surface of the body)
  • Infestation (State of being invaded by parasites)
  • Host (A living organism that harbor's the parasite)
  • Infectious agent (that cause the infection)
  • Contagious disease (Disease that can transfer through contact)
  • Epidemic (Widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a specific time)
  • Endemic (Constant presence of a disease in a given area)
  • Sporadic (Fastly spreading condition of a disease)
  • Pandemic (When cases are more than expected or epidemic of a disease that spread across a large region)
  • Exotic (Disease which are imported into the nation)
  • Zoonosis (Disease transfer from vertebrate animals)
  • Epizootic (Disease outbreak in animal population)
  • Nosocomial Infection (Infection originated from a healthcare facility)
  • Opportunistic Infection (Infection which takes opportunity to enter in host when the host is in low immunity state)
  • Surveillance (Continuous monitoring)
  • Eradication (Disease will no longer to occurs in a population)  
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