


Description also available in video format (attached below)


It can be defined as a process which involves the transfer of an idea from a source to a receiver.

Health Communication: The technique and art of informing, motivating and influencing   individuals, groups, communities, institutes etc., about various health related issues.

Process of Communication

1)  Process parts

·       Sender (person that delivers the message)

·       Receiver (person that is getting the message)

·       Message (information that a sender is relaying to receiver)

·       Communication channel (methods used to send the message)

·       Decoding (receiver done the interpretation of the message)

·       Feedback (response of receiver sent to the sender)

2)  Process steps

·       Developing the message (strategically developing the messages for various audiences)

·       Encoding the message (the developed messages translated into a form that can be transmitted, either text, video etc.)

·       Selecting the channel (selection of most appropriate channel to reach the targeted audiences, includes YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc)

·       Message transmission (successfully transmission of message to the receiver by sender)

·       Decoding the message (how a receiver interpret, translate and understand the message)

·       Feedback.


            Types of Communication

1)     Verbal Communication

·       It is a type of communication in which the message is transmitted in verbal form.

·       This type of communication divided into two categories

                                                             i.     Oral Communication

a)     It transmit the message in the form of spoken words, speech, face to face , telephonic call, radio, television etc.

b)     It is quick in nature.

c)     The main drawback is that the user fails to think deep about what he is delivering.

                                                           ii.     Written Communication

a)     It transmits the message with the help of written signs, symbols, email, letter, report, blogs, meme etc.

b)     The message can be edited and revised.

c)     This type of communication doesn’t bring instant feedback.

2)     Non-Verbal communication

·       It is a type of communication in which message is transmitted in the form of facial expression, gestures, postures etc.

·       This type of communication have three elements

                                                             i.     Appearance (speaker looking style, room space, lightening, furnishing etc.)

                                                           ii.     Body language (gestures, postures, facial expression etc.)

                                                         iii.     Sounds (Voice, tone, volume etc.)


          Functions of Health Communication

1)     Information (inform peoples about various health related issues)

2)     Education (bring changes in lifestyle and reduce risk factors by educating the peoples)

3)     Motivation (motivate the peoples to deal with the health related issues)

4)     Persuasion (attempt to change the general beliefs, understanding & myth about any health issue)

5)     Counselling (counsel the patients & public and create health awareness)

6)     Raising Morale (raise the capacity of a group of people to pull together consistently)

7)     Health Development (diffuse knowledge in respect to the goals of development)

8)     Health Organization (built an organization that works to promote health communication)


            Principle of Communication

            The communication has a chain of 7Cs of principles

·       Conciseness (message should be brief in nature)

·       Courtesy (being aware about the feeling of receiver)

·       Correctness (proper grammar, punctuation & spellings)

·       Clarity (message should be accurate)

·       Completeness (contains all the facts that needs for the reaction you desire)

·       Consideration (trying to consider yourself as a receiver and then create a message)

·       Concreteness (being specific, definite and vivid)


            Barriers of Communication

1)     Physical Barrier

a.      Disturbance from physical surroundings that effect the communication such as noise, infrastructure, physical disability etc.

b.     Factors causing physical barrier are

                                                             i.     Distraction in environment

                                                           ii.     Distance

                                                         iii.     Defect in media

c.      This barrier can be overcome by

                                                             i.     Updated with latest technology

                                                           ii.     Choosing a suitable environment

                                                         iii.     Removing obstacles

2)     Cultural Barrier

a.      Similar word can mean different things to people from different culture such as the kissing is a common part of French culture.

b.     Factors causing cultural barrier are

                                                             i.     Diversified background

                                                           ii.     Accent, behaviour and nature

                                                         iii.     Religion

c.      This barrier can be overcome by

                                                             i.     Cross culture environment

                                                           ii.     Having a thorough knowledge of your culture

                                                         iii.     Working in groups

3)     Language Barrier

a.      A barrier of communication that occurs between peoples who are unable to speak a common language such as a talk show of an Arabic person with the Indian one.

b.     Factors causing language barrier are

                                                             i.     Multi language

                                                           ii.     Region

                                                         iii.     Inadequate vocabulary

c.      This barrier can be overcome by

                                                             i.     Ask for clarification

                                                           ii.     Correctly choose your medium of communication

                                                         iii.     Be specific

4)     Emotional Barrier

a.      A mental block that influences how you perceive the other actions & feelings such as dominating a conversation on a religious issue.

b.     Factors causing emotional barrier are

                                                             i.     Fear

                                                           ii.     Insecurity

                                                         iii.     Stress

c.      This barrier can be overcome by

                                                             i.     Peer support

                                                           ii.     Expressing recognition

                                                         iii.     Commitment to change

5)     Gender Barrier

a.      Obstacles that obstruct the communication on the basis of gender such as during decision making women’s are process oriented and men’s are product oriented in nature.

b.     Factors causing gender barrier are

                                                             i.     Fear

                                                           ii.     Shy

                                                         iii.     Misunderstanding

c.      This barrier can be overcome by

                                                             i.     Deal with patience

                                                           ii.     Pay attention

                                                         iii.     Understand each other

6)     Organizational Barrier

a.      All internal factors that stymie or block the process of communication such as hierarchy of the organization.

b.     Factors causing organization barrier are

                                                             i.     One way flow

                                                           ii.     Rules and regulations

                                                         iii.     Levels in organization

c.      This barrier can be overcome by

                                                             i.     Create a culture of listening

                                                           ii.     Make communication a necessity

                                                         iii.     Unite the vision

7)     Perceptual barrier

a.      Preferences, values, attitudes, origins and experience that act as a filters in observing the peoples, events and information such as facial gestures

b.     Factors causing perceptual barriers are

                                                             i.     Difference in understandings

                                                           ii.     Difference in perception and reality

                                                         iii.     Difference in values

c.      This barrier can be overcome by

                                                             i.     Start listening others

                                                           ii.     Clarify if there is confusion

                                                         iii.     Stay calm and be positive


            Video description

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