What is public health?


Description also available in video format (attached below)

 Introduction to Public Health

# A sum of all official or government efforts to- 

  • Promote 
  • Protect & 
  • Preserve the health of a community

# An art through organized community efforts to-

  • Prevent the disease
  • Prolonging the life &
  • Promoting the health
# A process to assure the good & healthy quality of life by-
  • Mobilization of resources
  • Providing healthcare services &
  • Implementing healthcare policies

The Public Health System

Public health cover's the following areas in its system-
  • Community (A specific area consist of specific number of peoples)
  • Health Care Delivery System (PHC, CHC, District Hospital etc)
  • Employers & Business
  • The Media
  • Academia (teaching, studying and scientific work)
  • Health infrastructure (Medical equipment's, Doctors, Nurses etc)

Functions of Public Health
  • To monitor health
  • To investigate the disease
  • To inform, educate & empower
  • To mobilize community partnerships
  • To develop policies
  • To assure competent workforce
  • To evaluate the health parameters etc

Core Activities of Public Health
  • To prevent epidemics
  • To prevent the spread of disease
  • Respond to disasters
  • To assist communities in recovery
  • To promote health behaviors etc

Achievement's  of Public Health
  • Vaccination
  • Control of infectious disease
  • Healthier mothers & babies
  • Family planning
  • Fluoridation of drinking water etc

Examples of Public Health Organizations
  • WHO
  • UNDP
  • NFHP
  • FPAN etc.

Video description

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