Dynamics of disease transmission


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The dynamics (way of movement) of disease transmission interlock in a cycle shown in below picture- 

1) Infectious agent

Any micro-organism that can cause any disease (pathogen)

  • HIV (AIDS)
  • Plasmodium falciparum (Malaria)
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Tuberculosis)

2) Reservoir

Any person, plant, insect, soil, animal. substance or a combination of these, in which an infectious agent lives and reproduce itself in a manner that it can be transmitted to a susceptible (easy to be damaged) host, for example- Female Anopheles mosquito act as a reservoir for malaria parasite.

# Types of Reservoir

  • Human Reservoir 
When a human is responsible to grow & transmit the infection and hence it act as a reservoir.

a) Case (A person in a group having particular disease)

b) Carrier (A person in a group having particular disease without showing any clinical sign & symptoms and hence it act as a potential carrier in comparison to others)
  • Animal Reservoir

 When an animal is responsible to grow & transmit the infection to the human.

a) Bacterial (Plague from Rat)

b) Viral (Rabies from Dog)

c) Protozoa (Leishmaniasis from Dog)

  • Non living Reservoir
When a non living thing act as a medium to grow & transmit the infection to the human.

a) Clostridium in soil

b) Hookworm eggs in soil

c) Bacteria & Viruses in water

3) The Portal of Exit

It can be defined as the route by which the infectious agent can exit after its growth in reservoir.
  • Respiratory Secretion
  • Blood exposure
  • Nose
  • Mouth

4) Modes of Transmission

# A method by which a causing agent can be transfer from the reservoir to the new host.

a) Direct transmission
  • Direct contact (Scabies)
  • Droplet infection (Tuberculosis)
  • Contact with soil (Botulism)
  • Inoculation into skin (Folliculitis)
b) Indirect transmission
  • Vehicle borne (HIV)
  • Vector borne (Malaria)
  • Air borne (COVID-19)
  • Fomite borne (Diphtheria)
  • Unclean hands (Typhoid)

5) The Portal of Entry

A route by which the pathogens enters into its new host.
  • Inhalational route (Tuberculosis)
  •  Ingestion route (Cholera)
  • Urethral & Vaginal route (HIV)

6) The Susceptible Host

The organism that will feel the effects of infectious disease that has traveled through a chain of infection.
  • Babies (Cellulitis)
  • Children (Influenza)
  • Adults (UTI)
  • Peoples having weak immunity (All opportunistic infections) 
  • Unimmunized peoples (Polio)

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