Concept of control


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The concept of disease control helps us to understand the various aspects which deals to reduce, control, monitor & eradicate the disease in a country. This concept highlighted the following mentioned aspects that contributes to learn about the control of disease.

1) Disease control

It can be described as the steps taken to reduce the-
  • Disease incidence
  • Disease duration
  • Risk of disease transmission
  • Financial burden

An excellent example is Malaria control.

2) Disease elimination

It can be defined as the interruption of transmission of disease from a specific geographic region.

  • Elimination of measles in India
  • Elimination of malaria in South Africa
  • Elimination of polio in India

3) Disease eradication

It can be defined as the termination of all transmission of infection by extermination of infectious agent as a result of deliberate efforts and intervention measures are no longer needed for that particular disease.


Eradication of Small pox by the help of collaborative global vaccination Programme led by WHO.

4) Monitoring

It refers to the continuous supervision of activities that aimed to control the disease, to ensure that the activities are proceeding according to the plan.

It helps to keep track of-
  • Achievements
  • Staff movement
  • Resources utilization
  • Fund flow
So that if any thing goes wrong, immediate corrective actions can be taken.


Monitoring of various health programmes launched by the government of India to control the various diseases.
  • National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme
  • National Leprosy Eradication Programme
  • National Blindness Control Programme.

5) Sentinel surveillance

It can be defined as the method for identifying the missing cases and thereby supplementing the notified cases is required. In other words a way to mark the missing cases of a specific disease and to report & record that cases for further proceedings.

The main advantage of this surveillance is to get a more valuable & more detailed information about a specific condition.

6) Evaluation of control

It refers to the comparison of results with the intended objectives and assessment of how well a Programme is performing. Evaluation helps us to identify the impact of our activities on-
  • Morbidity
  • Mortality
  • Sequelae
  • Patient satisfaction  

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