System Design


Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       It is the evaluation of alternative solutions to a business design

·       It helps to select the specifications of hardware, software & communication technology for the selected solution

·       The purpose is to meet the all business requirements mentioned in the requirement report


System Design Phases

·       Logical Design

o   Translate the requirement of the users into detailed functions

o   Conducted via modelling, which involves the representation of an actual system in a simplistic way

o   Gives abstract representation of the data flows, inputs & outputs of the system

o   The components of this system are

§  Inputs files

§  Algorithms procedures

§  Output files

§  User dialogue

§  Interface

·       Physical Design

o   System graphical representation showing the internal & external entities & the flow of data into & out of these

o   Once the blueprint for the new system is ready, it begins

o   It also includes the process of specifying hardware & software needed to support it

o   Physical design includes 3 sub-tasks

§  User interface design

§  Data design

§  Process design

·       Construction

o   It begins when the software developmental tools are chosen

o   The professional programmers translate the input, output & processes

o   When program module is completed it is tested

o   When all the modules are completed & tested, the modules are integrated into one coherent program

·       System Testing

o   In system testing the entire integrated system is tested

o   System is checked against the system requirements originally defined in the analysis phase by running typical data through the system

o   Finally the quality of output is examined & measurement of processing time takes place to ensure that the original requirements are met

o   The testing must have to include attempts to get the system to fail

o   It is done so that many unforeseen snags can be discovered & fixed before the system is introduced

o   If new system passes the test, it is ready for the introduction in the business units that will use it.


Video Description

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