

Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       Flowchart is a graphical/pictorial representation of the steps necessary to

o   Solve the problem

o   Complete a process

o   Accomplish a task

o   Illustrate the components of a system

·       Basically flowcharts are of two types

o   System Flowchart (Representation of the components and flows in a system

o   Program Flowchart (Represent the information processing steps to be performed within a computer system)


Flowchart Symbols

Example 1:

Example 2:

Uses & Advantages of Flowchart

·       Uses

o   To describe something more effectively by the help of graphic visualization

o   Explain the process more clearly through the use of charts & symbols

o   Programming

o   To create process documentation

o   Training materials

·       Advantages

o   Gives a clear view of the entire

§  Program

§  Problem

§  & Solution

o   Checks the accuracy in a logic flow

o   Gives an easy way of communication

o   Represents the data flow

o   Provides the facility for coding

o   Show all major elements and their relationship

Video Description

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