Fourth Generation Languages- 4GL


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·       A computer is a computational device which is used to process the data under the control of a program.

·       Program is a sequence of instructions and while executing the program, raw data is processed into a desired output format which is known as Programming Languages.

·       These languages are mainly of two types

o   Low Level

§  First Generation

§  Second Generation

o   High Level

§  Third Generation

§  Fourth Generation

§  Fifth Generation..


Fourth Generation

·       4GL are the languages consist of statements that are similar to the statements of a Human Being.

·       They are commonly used in the database programming and scripts such as

§  Perl

§  PHP

§  Python

§  Ruby

§  SQL

·       It is a non-procedural programming language that requires less coding than lower level languages..

·       Any language with English like commands that does not require Input-Process-Output logic comes under 4GL.

·       General features of Fourth Generation languages are

o   Used L.S.I (Large Scale Integration) & V.L.S.I (Very Large Scale Integration)..

o   Increased storage capacity.

o   Very User friendly.

o   Versatile Input-Output devices

o   Having 1billion instruction per second processing speed.

o   Smaller in size and greater reliability..

·       The main reasons to choose a 4GL are

o   Alter & maintain

o   Ease of use

o   Simplicity of design and implement.


4GL Advantages

·       Faster system development.

·       Easier program maintenance

·       End user can often develop their own applications.

·       Increase programming productivity.


4GL Drawbacks

·       Programs developed in 4GL are executed at a slower speed by the CPU.

·       Programs developed in 4GL need more space in the memory of computer..


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Saqlain Gulzar said…
Good work sir keep it up

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