MHA Syllabus 2023

 MHA (Master's In Hospital Administration) SYLLABUS

Generally the Master's of Hospital Administration completed in four semester's and each semester cover a period of six months, All semester's have equal number of subject's and in anyone (3rd/4th Sem) includes Hospital Internship Programme of 60 to 90 days.

The Subjects and topics cover up in all four semester's are as follow's:-

Semester 1:-

1) Basic Concept of Health & Epidemiology:- 

  • Concept of Health & Disease
  • Prevention of Disease
  • Mode of Interventions
  • Concept of Health Indicators
2) Communication & Health Education:-
  • Communication Process & it's types
  • Functions of Health Communication
  • IEC activities
  • Communication Barriers
  • Aims, Approach & Model of Health Education
  • Principle and Methods of Health Education
3) Basic Information Technology:-
  • Operating System
  • UNIX
  • MS-Office
  • Internet
  • Applications of Computer in Hospital
4) Principles of Management & Organizational Behavior:-
  • History & growth of Management
  • Evolution of Management
  • Role & Responsibilities of a Manager
  • Concept of Modern Management
  • Introduction to Organizational Behavior
  • Personality Development
  • Motivation & Leadership
  • Conflict Management
  • Transactional Analysis
5) Biostatistics:-
  • Definition, Importance, Functions, Limitations & Types of Statistics
  • Data Collection
  • Graphs & Central Tendency Measurement
  • Sampling
  • Hypothesis Testing

Semester 2:-

1) Material Management & Support Services:-
  • Introduction & Importance of Material Management
  • Principles of Material Management
  • Inventory Analysis & Management
  • Purchasing Style & EOQ
  • Tender System
  • CSSD & Laundry
  • IPD kitchen & Transport Services
  • Housekeeping & Maintenance
2) Bio Medical Waste Management:-
  • Bio Medical Waste Management & Handling Rules-1998)
  • Classification & Categories of BMW
  • Deep Burial Standards
  • Methods of Disinfection
  • BMW Awareness & Edducation
3) Financial Management:-
  • Cash & Fund Flow
  • Basics of Financial Management
  • Financial Statements & its Analysis
  • Fund Allocation
  • Resource Mobilization
  • Cost Control & Cost Reduction 
4) Marketing Management:-
  • Concept of Marketing Management
  • Marketing Research & Information
  • Corporate Marketing
  • Marketing Research, Strategy & Control
  • Marketing & Medical Ethics
  • Social Aspects of Marketing
5) Health Information Management System:-
  • Introduction to MIS
  • Planning, Implementation & Controlling of MIS
  • Fundamentals of Data Processing
  • Telecommunication Model
  • Management Decision Making
  • System Design

Semester 3:-

1) Health Economics & Legal Aspects:-
  • Basics of Health Economics
  • Micro & Macro Economics
  • Concept of Demand & Supply
  • Cost Analysis & Price Elasticity
  • Contract Act
  • MTP Act
  • PC-PNDT Act
  • Organ Transplantation Act
  • ESI Act
  • Consumer Protection Act.
2) Management Accounting:-
  • Overview of Managerial Accounting
  • Nature, Scope & Purpose of Accounting
  • Profitability Analysis
  • Budgeting
  • Break Even Analysis
3) Strategic Management & Operational Research:-
  • Scope & Importance of Management
  • Strategy Formulation & Implementation
  • Forecasting Methods & Monitoring Techniques
  • PERT Analysis
  • CPM
  • Decision Tree Analysis
  • MBO
4) Human Resource development:-
  • Concept of HRD
  • Personnel Vs Human Resource Management
  • Need & Significance of HRD
  • Selection & Recruitment Process
  • Training Need Assessment
  • Wage & Salary
  • Performance Appraisal
5) Dietetics & Drug management:-
  • Nutrition & Good Dietary Practices
  • Metabolism & Balance Diet
  • Clinical Dietetics
  • Hospital Pharmacy
  • Drugs & Cosmetic Act
  • ABC, VED, SEN & FSN Analysis
  • Rationale Use of Drugs

Semester 4:-

1) Medical Transcription:-
  • Tools & Transcription
  • Transcription skills
  • Medical Record writing
  • Scope of Medical Transcription
  • Preparation of Medical Records
2) O.T, Ward & Disaster Management:-
  • Types of Wards
  • Positioning of Nursing Station
  • Concept, Design & Functions of O.T
  • Centralized OT Complex
  • Component of Disaster Management Plan
  • Disaster Management Act
  • Mock Drills
3) Bio Medical Engineering:-
  • Common Medical Equipment's Used in Hospital
  • Equipment Selection
  • QC Planning
  • AMC & CMC
  • Buyback Policy
4) Hospital Planning & Health Insurance:-
  • Need Assessment of Project Management
  • Green Field & Brown Field Projects
  • Site Survey, Location & Landscaping of a Hospital
  • Planning of a 250 Bedded Hospital
  • Manpower, Infrastructure, Equipment's & Recurring Cost.
  • Feasibility Study of a Project.
5) Quality Management:-
  • History & Birth of Quality
  • ISO 2000
  • NABH
  • JCI
  • TQM in Healthcare
  • QA & QC
  • Clinical Audits
* 60 Days Internship in a Multispecialty Hospital is Mandatory and you all have to submit a Thesis Report of your Internship Period before the final exams of 4th Semester.

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