Levels of prevention


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The concept of prevention deals with the preventive measures that has been taken out to-

  • Promote health
  • Preserve health
  • Restore health
  • Minimize suffering 
  • Minimize distress

Levels of prevention

1) Primordial prevention

In this level of prevention we have to prevent the development of risk factors of a specific disease in a community, which they have not yet appeared.


Awareness programme on alcohol & smoking to prevent the risk of lungs cancer.

2) Primary prevention

In this level of prevention we have to taken out the actions prior to the onset of disease, which can remove the possibility that the disease will ever occurs.


Universal Immunization Programme to prevent the diseases like polio, Measles, Hepatitis-B etc.

3) Secondary prevention

 In this level of prevention we have to taken out the actions which can halt the progress of  a disease and it's complications. The specific interventions of this level are-

  1. Early diagnosis
  2. Referral
  3. Treatment

Early diagnosis of Renal failure by the help of KFT (Kidney Function Test) can prevent the chronic conditions like CKD, Dialysis & Kidney transplant.

4) Tertiary prevention

In this level of prevention we have to taken out all the measures available to reduce or limit impairments and disabilities, and to promote the patients adjustment to the irremediable conditions.


In case of CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) 5th stage, the patient has to undergo dialysis treatment twice in a week to lead a normal life.

 Video description

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