Changing pattern of disease


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In simple words the changing pattern of a disease can be defined as the variations in number of cases, recoveries & deaths with respect to the time. "The diseases have not changed but their patterns have".

Let's try to understand the above concept with the help of some examples-

1) Changing pattern of Swine Flu in India

  • In 2015 the number of cases & deaths are 4259 & 299 respectively.
  • After one year the pattern changes and the number of cases & deaths shifted to 178 & 26 in 2016.
  • In 2017 their was a drastic change in the pattern which shows the increment of cases & deaths up to 38811 & 2270 respectively.
  • The pattern shows the variations continuously and in 2020 the cases & deaths becomes 1132 & 18 respectively. 

2) Changing pattern of Malaria in India

  • The above picture clearly defines the changing pattern of malaria in India from 1995  to 2012.
  • In 1995 the number of malaria cases was 3 million and up to 2012 the cases reduces and ends at a digit of 1 million.
  • Similarly the deaths caused by malaria were more than 1000 in 1995 and up to the year 2012 the number of deaths were only 500.

3) Changing pattern of MUMPS in United States

  • The graph states that the Incidences (new cases) of MUMPS in US were very high in 1979.
  • In 1984 the pattern shows a decline but again the incidences surprisingly increased in 1987.
  • Up to the year 2004, the MUMPS get under control by the help of vaccination

4) Changing pattern of various diseases

  • The above mentioned pie charts shows the difference in number of various disease cases in 1900 and in 1997.
  • It can be easily seen that the two disease shows a great changes in their respective patterns-
                        a) Heart disease shift in numbers from 8.0 to 31.4
                        b) Cancer shift in numbers from 3.7 to 23.3

Factors contributes to shift the pattern of a disease in upward direction
  •  Changes in global population
  • Human behavior
  • Environmental change
  • Microbial evolution
  • Breakdown of public health system

Factors contributes to shift the pattern of a disease in downward direction
  • Vaccination
  • Hand hygiene
  • Disinfection
  • Developing health infrastructure
  • Proper screening facilities

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