
Decision Support System (DSS)

DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM (DSS)   Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop. Introduction ·        DSS is a computer based information system that supports organization in decision making activities ·        It is also a collection of integrated software application & hardware that form the backbone of an organization in decision making process ·        It is also a component of problem solving   which involves o    Intelligence o    Design o    Choice o    Implementation o    Monitoring   Classification, Characteristics, Objectives, Components, Requirements, Applications, Advantages & Limitations of DSS ·        Classification o    Passive DSS §   It aids the process of decision making §   Cannot bring out explicit decision suggestions o    Active DSS §   Can bring out such decisions, suggestions or solutions o    Cooperative DSS §   Allow s the decision makers to modify, complete o

Telecommunication Model

TELE-COMMUNICATION MODEL Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop. Introduction ·        Various communication models are ·        Linear o    Lasswell’s Model o    Aristotle’s Model o    Shannon Weaver Model o    Berlo’s SMCR Model ·        Transactional o    Barnlund’s Transactional Model o    Helical Model o    Becker’s Mosaic Model   Linear Model ·        Simple one way communication model ·        Message flows in a straight line from sender to the receiver ·        Concept of feedback is not present o    Lasswell’s Model §   One way model §   The 5 components of this model are ·        Who (Sender) ·        Says What (Message) ·        Channel (Medium) ·        To Whom (Receiver) ·        With What Effect (Feedback) §   Does not consider out the barriers of communication §   Effective model of communication o    Aristotle Model §   It was the first model of communica