
Concept of control

CONCEPT OF CONTROL Description also available in video format (attached below) Introduction The concept of disease control helps us to understand the various aspects which deals to reduce, control, monitor & eradicate the disease in a country. This concept highlighted the following mentioned aspects that contributes to learn about the control of disease. 1) Disease control It can be described as the steps taken to reduce the- Disease incidence Disease duration Risk of disease transmission Financial burden Example An excellent example is Malaria control. 2) Disease elimination It can be defined as the interruption of transmission of disease from a specific geographic region. Example Elimination of measles in India Elimination of malaria in South Africa Elimination of polio in India 3) Disease eradication It can be defined as the termination of all transmission of infection by extermination of infectious agent as a result of deliberate efforts and intervention measures are no longer

Natural history of disease

NATURAL HISTORY OF DISEASE Description also available in video format (attached below) Introduction It refers to the progression of a certain disease in a person over a period of time, in the absence of  treatment of that disease. For an example, untreated HIV can cause several clinical problems at its beginning stage and if we don't treat it then it can progress to AIDS and usually death. It is a concept of epidemiology which signifies the way in which a disease evolves itself over a period of time and also helps us to understand the pathogenetic chain of events for a specific disease and its preventive measures. Principal Model The framework of natural history of disease can be easily understand in two phases:- 1) Prepathogenesis phase It refers to the period prior to the beginning of a disease. In this phase disease causing agent has not yet entered in a person but the factors that can help the interaction of a causing agent & human host already exist in the environment.  Fo

Health Determinants

  HEALTH DETERMINANTS Description also available in video format (attached below)  Introduction There are many factors that influence our health and all the factors lie both within the individual and externally in the society in which a person lives. Conceptually the health of a person and whole community can be considered to be the interaction of following determinants:- 1) Biological determinants All the determinants that have a biological and genetical background.  BMI (Body Mass Index) Birth Weight Age Sex Ethnicity   2) Sociocultural determinants All the conditions in which a person is born, grow, live, work and a set of forces shaping the condition of daily life. Safe housing Education Per capita income Literacy rate Employment  3) Behavioral determinants All the factors contributes to the action of a person that can directly affect health outcomes.  Dietary choices Eating patterns Alcohol use Tobacco use Physical activity level 4) Environmental determinants All the physical, bio

Concept of Health & Disease

  CONCEPT OF HEALTH & DISEASE Description also available in video format (attached below) What is Health? According to the WHO health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely in the absence of disease and infirmity". Introduction to the concept of health Health is a common thing in all cultures of the world and all communities have their own concepts of the health, as a part of their culture. Many communities have tried to define the health concept in different ways but there are mainly four concepts of health:- 1) Biomedical Concept of Health Statement:- A person is said to be health only if not a single disease is present in his/her body. Perception:- Human body is a machine, disease is a consequence that cause the breakdown of the machine and the doctor is the one who repairs the machine by the help of medicine. Limitation:- It minimizes the role of environmental, social, psychological and cultural determinants of health. 2) Ecol

Import Substitution "Leaky Bucket Model"

 IMPORT SUBSTITUTION Description also available in video format (attached below) Definition:-  It can be defined as a trade policy which focuses on promotion of economic growth of a nation by restricting Imports that compete with the domestic products. It's main approach is to substitute the externally produced goods from locally produced ones.  Example:- Replacing the supply of foreign based manufacturing Cars from Indian based manufacturing Cars and thus contribute to the Indian economy by promoting the small scale industries in our own nation. ✦To understand the "Import Substitution" in a more better way you must have to read out the  "Leaky Bucket" model. Leaky Bucket Model:- Consider the following items as:- Bucket = India Water = Money Plugs = Locally produced goods. ✦In the above mentioned picture it can be easily understand that there are many holes present at the surface of the bucket which results in the leakage of water from it and it can only be s

Break Even Point

  BREAK EVEN POINT Description also available in video format (attached below). Definition:- 1) It can be easily defined as the point where total revenue becomes equal to the total cost. 2) It can also be defined as the point at which there is no loss and no gain. Formula:-  It can be calculated by using the formula:- Breakeven Point  =  Fixed Costs  ÷  (Price - Variable Costs)  Here, Fixed Cost=  Costs that are not dependent on sales volume, such as rent Variable Cost=  Costs that are dependent on sales volume, such as the cost of manufacturing Price= Selling price of the product             Example to understand the Breakeven Point:- Suppose you manufactured a bunch of 7pens which covers up in a total cost of 20 rupees.  Now you enters into the market to sell your pens on a selling price of 10Rs per unit(Pen) After few hours you sell out your two unit which means your total earnings are 20Rs. At this point your total cost becomes equal to your total revenue and this point is known a

MHA Syllabus 2023

  MHA (Master's In Hospital Administration) SYLLABUS Generally the Master's of Hospital Administration completed in four semester's and each semester cover a period of six months, All semester's have equal number of subject's and in anyone (3rd/4th Sem) includes Hospital Internship Programme of 60 to 90 days. The Subjects and topics cover up in all four semester's are as follow's:- Semester 1:- 1) Basic Concept of Health & Epidemiology:-  Concept of Health & Disease Prevention of Disease Mode of Interventions Concept of Health Indicators 2) Communication & Health Education:- Communication Process & it's types Functions of Health Communication IEC activities Communication Barriers Aims, Approach & Model of Health Education Principle and Methods of Health Education 3) Basic Information Technology:- Operating System UNIX MS-Office Internet Applications of Computer in Hospital 4) Principles of Management & Organizational Behavior:- Hi