
Information, Education & Communication

INFORMATION EDUCATION & COMMUNICATION Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop. Introduction ·        The term IEC refers to an approach which tries to change a set of behavior in a target audience regarding to a specific problem in a predefined period of time. ·        It is a collective effort of strategies, methods & approaches that help individuals, groups, families, organization and communities to play active role to achieve, protect and sustain their own health. ·        It is also a process of learning that empowers the peoples to o    Take decisions o    Modify behavior's o    Change social conditions. Objectives of IEC ·        To increase the reach of healthcare services. ·        To improve the quality of healthcare services. ·        To make the individuals more oriented towards problem solving. ·        To train and develop the skills in targeted audiences. ·        To combin


  COMMUNICATION Description also available in video format (attached below) Introduction It can be defined as a process which involves the transfer of an idea from a source to a receiver. Health Communication: The technique and art of informing, motivating and influencing   individuals, groups, communities, institutes etc. , about various health  related issues. Process of Communication 1)   Process parts ·        Sender (person that delivers the message) ·        Receiver (person that is getting the message) ·        Message (information that a sender is relaying to receiver) ·        Communication channel (methods used to send the message) ·        Decoding (receiver done the interpretation of the message) ·        Feedback (response of receiver sent to the sender) 2)   Process steps ·        Developing the message (strategically developing the messages for various audiences) ·        Encoding the message (the developed messages translated into a form th