
Components of Management

COMPONENTS OF MANAGEMENT (P, O, S, C, C,) Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop. Introduction ·        The management scientists explain 5 major components or functions of management o    Planning o    Organizing o    Staffing o    Controlling o    Coordinating   Planning ·        The planning component helps to fill the gap between two major questions o    Where we are? o    Where we want to be? ·        Planning helps in advance to find the answer of these questions o    What to do? o    Why to do? o    Where to do? o    Who will do? o    How to do? o    When to do? ·        The importance of Planning can be seen as o    Provide directions o    Reduces the risk of uncertainty o    Promote innovative ideas o    Facilitates decision making o    Establish standards for controlling ·        The main features of Planning are o    Pervasive o    Continuous o    Futurist

Role of a Manager

ROLE OF A MANAGER Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop. Introduction ·        A manager is a person that is selected by a given authority person of an organization to fulfil the goals & objectives of an organization. ·        Generally the manager is used to manage and coordinate across the all inter departments of an organization. ·        In small size organization the manger also responsible for some other roles such as §   Purchasing §   Human Resource Management §   Marketing §   Internal Audits etc.   Major Roles of a Manager ·        Interpersonal Roles o    To perform symbolic duties like signing legal documents and welcoming the visitors o    To make himself a good leader rather than a boss by §   Motivating §   Training §   Counselling §   & Communicating with subordinates o    Interact with peoples of both fields internal & external to make the operations smooth