

MOTIVATION Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop. Introduction ·        It refers to the willful  desire to direct one’s behavior  towards the goal ·        It can also be defined as the forces that maintain and alter the o    Directions o    Quality o    & Intensity of  behavior   Nature of Motivation ·        Related to the satisfaction ·        Goal directed ·        Based on motives ·        Complex process   Types of Motivation ·        Intrinsic motivation (a person is being motivated by internal desires) ·        Extrinsic motivation ( a person is being motivated by external desires)   Theories of Motivation ·        Hertzberg’s two factor theory o    According to Hertzberg the motivation can be achieved by the help of Motivational factors and can be lost because of   Hygiene factors o    Motivational factors §   Enjoying your work §   Feeling  recognized §   Carr


  LEADERSHIP Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop. Introduction ·        A process of social influence that creates a way for peoples to contribute in making something extraordinary or achieving a task/goal. ·        Or in simple words we can say o    Leading peoples o    Influencing peoples o    Commanding peoples o    Guiding peoples   Characteristics of Leadership ·        Leader must have followers ·        A leader influence his followers willingly not by force ·        Leadership is exercised in a given situation ·        Purpose is to achieve some common goals ·        It is a working relationship between a leader and his followers   Traits & factors of Leadership ·        Traits o    Surgency (extroversion) o    Conscientiousness (personal integrity) o    Agreeableness (cheerful & optimistic) o    Adjustment (self control) o    Intellectance (learning oriented)