
Operating System

  OPERATING SYSTEM Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop. Introduction An operating system can be defined as a collection of software that is used to manage the computer hardware resources and without an operating system the computer would be useless because the operating system act as an interface between the user and the computer hardware.   Functions of OS ·        To start and shut down the computer. ·        To provide an user interface. ·        To manage the programs. ·        To coordinate the tasks. ·        To configure the devices. ·        To manage the memory. ·        To establish an internet connection. ·        To control a network. ·        To provide utilities. Features of OS 1)     Graphical User Interface (contains graphics & icons) 2)     Multi User (allows multiple users to use the same computer) 3)     Multi Tasking (allows multiple software’s to run at a same t

Health Education

HEALTH EDUCATION Description also available in video format (attached below), use your desktop for better experience. Introduction ·        A combination of learning experience that is designed to help individuals, groups & communities to improve their health by improving their knowledge and attitude towards various health issues. ·        It can also be defined as a process which aims to encourage peoples to know that how to stay healthy. ·        It is also used interchangeably with IEC & Behavior  change communication.   Aims & Objectives ·        To encourage peoples to adopt and sustain a life style that promotes health & health practices. ·        To aware & promote the peoples for the use of available health services in their areas. ·        To create interest, give knowledge, enhance skills and change attitude in making rationale decision s to solve their own problems. ·        To achieve the health development by the help of individual