
Healthcare Financing

HEALTHCARE FINANCING Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop Introduction ·        Healthcare financing refers to the mechanisms and processes by which healthcare services are funded and paid for. ·        It encompasses a wide range of activities, including how healthcare services are paid for, who pays for them, and how payments are structured and distributed within healthcare systems. ·        Here are some key aspects of healthcare financing 1.      Public, Private & Community/Individual ·         This refers to the different entities or sectors involved in providing and financing healthcare services. 1.      Public : Healthcare services provided and financed by the government or public sector. 2.      Private : Healthcare services provided and financed by private entities, such as private hospitals, clinics, and insurance companies. 3.      Community/Individual : Healthcare initiatives and financin

Health Planning

HEALTH PLANNING Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop Introduction ·        Health planning is a systematic process used by governments, organizations, and communities to improve the health of populations. ·        It involves assessing health needs, setting priorities, and developing strategies to meet those needs efficiently and effectively. ·        Here's a basic introduction to the key components of health planning 1.      Assessment of Health Needs ·        This involves gathering data on the health status of the population, including information on diseases, risk factors, demographic characteristics, and access to healthcare services. ·        Health needs assessment helps identify areas where interventions are most needed. 2.      Setting Priorities ·        Once health needs are assessed, priorities must be set based on factors such as the severity of health problems, available resources, and